Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Rangoon Creeper

The Rangoon Creeper (botanical name Quisqualis indica) or its Malay name Akar Dani is native to Malaysia and Southeast Asia where it grows in thickets or in secondary forests.

The plant
The young plant grows into an upright bushy shrub with irregular branches and leaves up to one metre long. As it matures in six months, it turns into a vigorous climber, branching rapidly from a runner at its base.

This plant does not have tendrils but it can climb high if it comes into contact with a solid structure such as a tree trunk, stem or the branches of other plants. The Rangoon Creeper can reach a height of between 2.5 and 8m with adequate support. 

The green to yellow-green leaves have a rounded base and pointed tip with distinct veins.

The plant flowers throughout the year. Each cluster contains up to a dozen tubular flowers, about 7cm long and 2cm in diameter.

The flower buds bloom as white flowers in the evenings and emit a sweet fruity scent. They change to pink the next morning and a rich red colour later. As they age, the flowers become pendulous. Each flower can last up to three days. The scent is present until the flowers drop and is most noticeable in the evenings.

One cluster has several flowers at a time, so you will see three different colours - white, pink and red - at any one time.

At night, the white flowers attract hawk moths. In the day, the pink ad red flowers attract butterflies, bees, flies and sunbirds.

The flower clusters bob up and down in a strong wind. There are single and double varieties but the single flower type is easier to grow and propagate.

The fruit is dry and leathery, and contains a single seed.

How to grow
The Rangoon Creeper is a prolific climber so it needs strong support. You can plant it in a container or on the ground. It is suited for a pergola or wall where the beautiful branches and flower clusters can cascade down gracefully. You can even train it to climb trees, run along rafters, cover a vertical trellis or as an espalier.

Steps to growing

Propagation. You can grow this plant from woody stem cuttings, layering or root suckers, that emerge from the parent plant. It can also be grown from seeds but the easiest way is to buy the seedling from a nursery or get a cutting from a friend.

Location. It will grow rapidly under the sun and reward you with vivid blooms and shiny leaves.

Soil. It grows best in fertile soil that is moist but well-drained.   

Watering. It has average water needs and is quite drought tolerant.

Fertilising. Apply a general purpose liquid fertiliser or organic chicken/sheep manure pellets fortnightly or once a month depending on soil conditions.

Pruning. This is necessary to control growth and prevent the plant from getting out hand. The plant blossoms better on new growth, so pruning also encourages flowering.

Pest and diseases. This plant is generally pest free.

Grow the climbers to cover the bare walls or perimeter fencing. They form a screen to help you maintain privacy and to enhance the beauty of your garden. Climbers are also suitable for roof gardens with limited space.


  1. Hi

    Where can I obtain Rangoon creeper seed.


  2. Hi Brian,
    You can get them from most nurseries. Just google to find them.

