Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Travelling With Kids

Travelling with kids doesn’t have to be a stressful, harried event. With the right planning, attitude and advance preparation, discovering the world can be a seamless, enjoyable experience.    


When you are traveling with kids aged:

2 years old and younger

It’s actually easier to travel with an infant, because she would sleep through most of the journey. Try not to attempt flights longer than four hours. If you’re breastfeeding, suckle your infant during landing and take-off, as the air pressure could cause pain in her ears.

If your child is taking solids, prepare meals in one-serve containers. Estimate about two feedings for every hour of travel.

Bring enough diapers to last the journey. One diaper for every hour of travel is good. Also make sure you have plenty of wet wipes for any spills and stains.

If your child is one year old or older, bring her favourite toys and books to keep her entertained.

She might get antsy in a confined space, if she has not traveled on a plane before, so make sure you prepare her for the journey a few weeks in advance.  Get picture books on air travel and tell her what to expect. You’ll be surprised how much a one-year-old understands. Do this for older toddlers as well, if they are have never been in a plane before. Try to book the front seats which have more leg room or if the flight is not fully booked, ask the air stewards if you can stretch out at some other seats.

If your baby won’t stop crying, take her for a walk up and down the aisle. Take her into the toilet and let her calm down. Show her knobs and things in there. Most airlines have kiddy toys to give away to young  kids. Ask for these.

3 to 5 years old

At these ages, your toddler can grasp a lot of information. Make sure you get him all excited about the journey you’re about to take. Feed him a lot fun information, like how a plane takes off and lands, what the air stewards do on the flight, where the pilot sits and more. His curiosity will keep him occupied, hopefully for the entire flight.

Bring plenty of healthy snacks and a bottle of water to take on the place. Resist the urge to bring sweet treats, as these will only make your child hyper. Instead, pack cut fruits, raisins, figs and crackers for her to snack on.

Prepare a treat for your child. While you pack healthy snacks for the duration of the journey, tell him he can have a treat if he behaves himself the entire flight. It can be a favourite dessert, candy or a book.

Bring things for your child to do on the flight. Picture books to read, sketch books for him to draw and colour or a portable player for him to watch his favourite shows on.

Bring a portable DVD player to play your child’s favourite programme. This will be a life saver when nothing else can placate an upset toddler.

Play counting games. Ask him to count the number of passengers on the flight, or the number stewards. If he can already tell time, teach him to count down to landing time.

Prepare a schedule with him and agree to keep by it. For example, the first hour on the plane will be spent colouring, and then he takes a nap in the second hour. When he wakes up, he can have a snack and you’ll read a book to him. And so on. 

6 years and older

At this age, traveling with your child is usually a breeze. If it’s a long flight, bring things to keep her occupied like comic books, story books and the like.

Bring enough clothing to keep your child warm and comfortable on the flight.


Car travel is a lot less taxing than air travel, as you can stop any time. But it wouldn’t hurt to make that journey as smooth as possible.

When you’re traveling with kids aged:

2 years old and younger

Your child needs to be strapped into a car seat, so if he is not already used to that, you need to prepare him at least three weeks in advance. Let him get used to sitting in a car seat.

Bring enough diapers and changes of clothes for your baby. The same rule for air travel applies here.

Make as many pit stops as you need to. However, if your child is sleeping contentedly, keep driving, as this will hasten your journey.

Bring plenty of snacks and water. Pack them on one-feed containers for an infant so there is zero contamination of uneaten food. For kids one year and older, bring finger snacks that they can handle with their own hands. Halved grapes and cut melon are good. Watch your child while he eats to avoid choking.

3 to 5 years old

The car seat is still necessary at this age, so make sure your child understand she has to be strapped in or she cannot go on the trip.

Talk to her about the journey and the destination. If you’re going to the bech, have her look out for signs that you’re near, by spotting coconut trees, or perhaps a glimpse of the shore.

Bring a favourite book or two to read to your child if she gets bored. Choose books that are similar to your holiday – adventure books or books about your destination.

Make sure your child stays hydrated for the journey. Water is the best beverage. If she gets hungry, prepare crackers smeared with cheese and cut fruits.Make pit stops for meals and snacks, if possible.

6 years and older

Your child will probably chatter non-stop during the journey, so if you foresee yourself getting annoyed, find a way to channel that chatter productively. Pop in a favourite music CD for your child to sing along to. Or have him play games like “I Spy” of “Spot the Red/Blue/Yellow Car.”

Do some research about the route and see if there are town or places that you could stop at for your kids to explore. It’ll help break the journey and your child will enjoy these little bursts of excitement.

1 comment:

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