Sunday, February 6, 2011

Living Life The Healthy Way

Living the healthy life may seem like a distant ideal for many due to the hectic and fast-paced environment that we are living in. In actual fact, it isn’t that far-fetch an ideal to live if we actually take conscious effort to make it happen. Living the healthy life does not mean popping in pills or jumping onto the surgery table every time we fell ill, but rather the choice we make on how we can take care of our body – the natural way.

Here are some truth about your body and health:

Your body will always do everything it can to continue to function. It recognizes the things that aren’t right. Given the opportunity, the body will immediately start to repair injured or impaired areas.

If your body is “malfunctioning”, it is happening for a reason. You need to change the circumstances that brought about the malfunction before the body can heal itself.

By understanding how the systems of the body work together, you will be in a better position to build a firm foundation of good health.

No matter what your health status or age is right now, you can begin to take steps that will give your body that crucial “opportunity’ to begin to repair itself.

If your daily diet includes more protein than the equivalent of two eggs and a hamburger, you health is going downhill fast! The food that fuels your body this year dictates how healthy you will be in coming years.

Your body reacts  to negative mental and emotional stress brought about by thoughts exactly the same way it reacts to “real” threats of physical harm.

Healing is automatic if you give your body a chance.

Only you are responsible for your own health.

If you are determined to live a better and healthier life, here are some of the first steps to take as you begin the journey towards a healthier living:

Increase the amount of cooked vegetables you eat everyday.

Reduce the amount of protein foods you eat each day. Have smaller servings of beef, poultry, or fish as you continue to add more cooked vegetables to your meals.

Cook the vegetables less and include one serving of raw vegetables or fruit everyday.

Begin to reduce your intake of salt, coffee, tea, cola drinks, and processed (fabricated) snack foods.

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