Sunday, February 13, 2011

Face Fear Head On

Fear is something almost everyone has and it is said to be one of the biggest enemies of mankind, retarding the growth and prosperity of an individual. Almost every minute a person is fearful about something, not realising that the negative emotion is self-created and does not come from outside.

There are many types of fears and among them are death, accident, water, fire, loss of business and money, the list can go on.

Physicals changes when in fear

  • Heart rate changes
  • Breathing faster
  • Muscles get tensed
  • Indigestion
  • Mouth dries up
  • Blood pressure increases
  • Immune system becomes ineffective
  • Stomach ache and diarrhoea
  • Hand and body tremble
  • Eating disorder
  • Depression
  • Poor mental concentrarion
  • Sleep disorder
  • Feeling fatigue
All fears can be overcome because they are self-created and nothing in the world is designed to frighten us. Such discomfort clears when our consciousness awakens and we become rational in our thoughts.

The best way to combat fear is to change our thoughts because fear is within us and not an external force.

Among the common causes of fear are that we are attached to something and we fear of losing it, desiring something that we do not deserve and failing to let go of our dependency on things and people.

This panic situation will continue to remain in the mind of a person as long as he or she remains uncertain or unclear of their goals. On of the best ways to remove this occurrence is to be willing to take a chance and expose yourself to the very thing you are most afraid of.

Unless you try you will never know the outcome. Risk of failure or being rejected is something that we have undertake when carrying out major tasks and staying away from all these will lead us to another major cirisis in life, disappointments.

One should learn not to be identified with danger or they will be lured to such situations regularly.

We should remind ourselves that we are never left alone in any suffering because the Almighty is always with you in whatever situation you may be in.

Instead of dwelling on fear all the time, have faith in Him and undertake challenges in life and view failures as opportunities to learn new approaches. All of us are created to near perfection and with the same potential and the only difference is we are not awakening this potential.

To remove fear

  • Perform religious rituals daily so that your body, mind and spirit are in harmony and balance. These rituals dood for calming down your anxiety and nervousness.
  • Do stretching exercises to relax you tight muscles.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply whenever you feel tensed. Practice alternate nostril  breathing several cycles to calm your senses.

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