Sunday, July 31, 2011


ALLAH SAW berfirman:
Wahai sekalian manusia, janganlah engkau menjadi orang yang mengetepikan taubat dan jangan memanjangkan angan - angan serta mengharap kebahagiaan akhirat tanpa beramal; jangan menjadi orang yang kata - katanya seperti kata - kata orang 'abid dan amalnya seperti orang munafiq; jika diberikan sesuatu kepadanya, tidak pernah merasa cukup, dan jika tidak memperoleh sesuatu dia tidak pernah sabar. Dia menyuruh orang berbuat baik tetapi dia sendiri tidak membuatnya. Dia melarang berbuat jahat tetapi dia sendiri tidak berhenti melakukannya. Dia mengasihi orang yang soleh tetapi dia tidak mahu bersama mereka. Dia membenci orang munafik tetapi dia sebenarnya termasuk di antara mereka. Dia mengatakan hal yang tidak dia lakukan, dan dia membuat hal yang tidak disuruh. Dia meminta kesetiaan tetapi dia sendiri tidak setia.

Wahai sekalian manusia, setiap hari yang baru, bumi senantiasa menegurmu dengan  katanya: Wahai sekalian manusia, engkau berjalan di permukaanku dan setelah itu engkau akan disimpan di dalam perutku. Engkau memakan segala yang diinginkan ketika berada di permukaanku, kemudian engkau akan di makan ulat di dalam perutku.

Wahai sekalian manusia, aku adalah rumah kesunyian; aku adalah rumah tempat pertanyaan; aku adalah tempat persendirian; aku adalah rumah kegelapan; aku adalah rumah kala jengking dan ulat, maka diamilah aku dan janganlah engkau menghindariku.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Persediaan Menyambut Ramadan

InsyaAllah lusa umat Islam bakal bertemu tetamu mulia yang dinanti-nantikan: Ramadan Al-Mubarak. Rasulullah dan para sahabatnya telah menyiapkan diri sejak bulan Rejab lagi. Di antara doa yang mereka panjatkan adalah:

 اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان

Ya Allah, berkahilah kami di bulan Rejab dan Sya’aban, serta pertemukanlah kami dengan bulan Ramadan (HR. At-Thabrani, Al-Baihaqi, dan Ibnu Asakir)

Ada empat persiapan yang diperlukan dalam menyambut bulan Ramadan iaitu:
Persiapan Ruhiyah – Hati perlu dibersihkan daripada penyakit aqidah sehingga melahirkan niat yang ikhlas.
Firman Allah SWT dalam firman-Nya:

قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَنْ زَكَّاهَا [الشمس/

Sungguh beruntung orang yang menyucikan jiwanya. Asy-Syams: 9.

Kerana itu kita perlu bermuhasabah mengenai penyakit aqidah yang masih melekat pada diri. Selanjutnya kita bermujahadah untuk menghilangkan penyakit itu. Alangkah indahnya bila Ramadan tiba dalam keadaan kita benar-benar penuh ikhlas menapaki hari-hari yang istimewa itu.

Ketika keikhlasan bersenyawa dalam diri kita di sepanjang Ramadan merupakan saat terbaik yang akan menjamin kita memperoleh ampunan Allah SWT.

 من صام رمضان إيمانا واحتسابا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه

Barangsiapa yang berpuasa karena iman dan mengharap perhitungan (pahala) akan diampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu. Muttafaq ‘Alaih.

Persiapan Fikriyah – Bekalkan diri dengan ilmu agama terutama yang berkait secara langsung dengan amaliyah di bulan Ramadhan. Tentang kewajiban puasa, keutamaan puasa, hikmah puasa, syarat dan rukun puasa, hal-hal yang membatalkan puasa, serta sunnah-sunnah puasa. Juga tarawih, I’tikaf, zakat, dan sebagainya.

Kerana itu Imam Bukhari membuat bab khusus dalam shahihnya dengan judul Al-Ilmu Qabla Al-Qaul wa Al-Amal (Ilmu sebelum Ucapan dan Amal). Tanpa ilmu bagaimana kita mampu beramal sebulan Ramadan dengan benar?

Pemahaman ilmu syar’i ini merupakan tanda kebaikan yang dikehendaki Allah daripada hamba-Nya. Kerananya Rasulullah SAW bersabda :

 من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه في الدين

Barangsiapa yang dikehendaki Allah akan kebaikan maka dia difahamkan tentang ilmu agama (Muttafaq ‘Alaih)

Persiapan Jasadiyah - Ramadan memerlukan persiapan tubuh badan yang sihat. Jika tidak  ibadah kita tidak boleh dilakukan secara normal. Ini kerana Ramadan berbeza daripada bulan-bulan yang lain. Kita diharapkan tetap produktif dengan pekerjaan masing-masing meskipun dalam keadaan berpuasa. Kita juga melakukan ibadah yang lebih lama daripada sebelumnya. Solat Tarawih, misalnya. Oleh itu kita perlu menjaga kesihatan dan kebersihan. Di sini, logikal akal bertemu dengan keutamaan syar’i dalam hadis Nabi SAW. :

المؤمن القوي خير وأحب إلى الله من المؤمن الضعيف

Mukmin yang kuat lebih baik dan lebih dicintai Allah daripada mukmin yang lemah (HR. Muslim, Ibnu Majah, Al-Baihaqi.

Persiapan Maliyah – Ia diperlukan dalam menyambut bulan Ramdan bukan untuk membeli baju baru, menyediakan kuih muih untuk Aidilfitri dan lain-lain. Kita  memerlukan sejumlah dana untuk memperbanyak infaq, memberi ifthar (buka puasa)  dan membantu orang yang memerlukan. Tentu saja bagi yang memiliki harta yang mencapai nishab dan haul wajib dibayar zakatnya. Bahkan jika mampu, umrah di bulan Ramadan merupakan ibadah yang bernilai luar biasa; seperti nilai haji bersama Rasulullah SAW.

شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنْزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآَنُ هُدًى لِلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِنَ الْهُدَى وَالْفُرْقَانِ فَمَنْ شَهِدَ مِنْكُمُ الشَّهْرَ فَلْيَصُمْهُ [البقرة/]

Bulan Ramadan adalah bulan yang di dalamnya diturunkan Al-Qur’an, sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia dan penjelasan mengenai petunjuk itu dan pembeza (antara yang benar dan yang batil). Kerana itu, barangsiapa di antara kamu ada di bulan itu, maka berpuasalah. Al-Baqarah:185.

(Sumber: Generasi Robbani)

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Intensity Factor In Fat Burning

Aerobic intensity refers to how hard you work out when you’re walking, jogging, running, bicycling, swimming, or performing any other type of heart-pumping activity. To burn fat and build cardiovascular health, you must gradually increase the intensity of your exercise effort. Aerobic intensity is generally described in:

VO2 Max
Otherwise know as “aerobic capacity”, this describes the ability of the body to take in, transport, and use oxygen. It is usually expressed as a percentage of “oxygen consumption” during exercise, or put another way, the maximum amount of oxygen you use while working out aerobically. A usage of 40 to 60 percent of VO2 max is considered vigorous or high intensity. If you’ve never exercised much in the past and you start an aerobic exercise program, you can increase your VO2 max by up to 20 percent by working out at a good clip at least three times a week. VO2 max stays higher in people who exercise aerobically.

Is there a way to tell what your VO2 max is while exercising? A good rule of thumb to follow is this:  If you’re breathing hard, yet still able to carry on a conversation, you’re working out in the higher-intensity range of your VO2 max. When you exercise in this range, more oxygen can be “extracted” by your muscles, and more stored fat and carbohdydrate can be used to supply energy.

Heart Rate
This indicates the amount of work your heart does to keep up with the demands of various activities, including exercise. At rest, your heart averages 60 to 80 beats a minute. This is referred to as your “resting heart rate.” In sedentary people, the resting heart rate can be as high as 100 beats per minute or more. By contrast, well-trained endurance athletes may have resting heart rates in the range of 28 to 40 beats a minute. The more fit you become aerobically, the lower your resting heart rate becomes.

During exercise, your heart rate increases in direct proportion to your exercise effort. The rate at which your heart beats during exercise is called “Exercising heart rate.”

For best results, uyou should exercise at a level sufficient enough to raise your heart rate to 70 to 85 percent or higher of your maximum heart rate (MHR). MHR is expressed as 220 minus your age. For example, suppose you’re 35 years old, and you start an aerobic exercise program. Your maximum heart rate is 185 (220-35). You should work out at an intensity such that your heart reaches between 130 and 157 beats a minute (85 percent of 185 beats per minute = 85 x 185 = 157).    

If you are not exercising now, start working out in the lower end of your range for at least 30 minutes. Gradually increase your intensity so that you reach the higher end of your range as your body becomes more aerobically conditioned. Also, the better conditioned you become, the greater ability you have to exceed the 85 percent range. Always strive for higher intensities as safely as you can sustain them.

Use the chart below to identify your target heart training range, based on your age.

Your Target Heart Training Range

Beats Per Minute


140 – 170
137 – 166
133 – 162
130 – 157
126 – 153
123 – 149
119 – 145
116 – 140
112 – 136
109 – 132
105 – 128

How To Obtain Your Heart Rate During Aerobic Exercise
There are four methods to determine your heart rate while exercising:
  • Finger on carotid artery (Don’ t press hard).
  • By placing your hand directly over your heart at the left breast.
  • By placing your finger at the radial artery on your wrist.
  • At the temporal artery at the front of the ear.
So stick to one of the three recommended methods for calculating your heart rate. To find your heart rate per minute, simply count the beats for 10 seconds and multiply by six.

Keep records of both your resting heart rate and your heart rate during exercise. This information will help you evaluate your progress. Your resting heart rate (your heart rate in the morning before you get out of bed) should decrease over time. If not, or if your resting heart rate suddenly jumps up to a higher level, this could signal a medical problem, and you should check it out with your physician.  

Exercise Duration
This refers to the length of time you work out. As the duration of your exercise increases, you start burning more fat for fuel. Gradually build up to exercising aerobically for 30 to 45 minutes or longer each session to maximize your fat-burning potential. At the same time, you should work on increasing your aerobic intensity.

Exercise Frequency
You derive the best aerobic benefits from working out three to five times a week. A word of caution: Newcomers to aerobic exercise should start out by trying to exercise three times a week, then gradually build to five sessions as your aerobic capacity improves or as your personal schedule permits.

The value of  Increasing Duration and Frequency

Mr B had gone up and down in weight for many years, usually due to yo-you dieting and poor nutritional practices. At his highest weight, he tipped the scales at 145 kg. Then he began to eat sensibly and upped the frequency and duration of his aerobic exercise.Where  once he walked, he now started running – as much as three to five kilometers each time. Gradually Mr B increased his workouts from two to three times a week to three to four times a week.Today, Mr B has stripped down to 104 kg, with a body fat percentage o1 17.2. According to his body composition measurements, Mr B has gained 9 pounds of lean muscle and has peeled away 7 kg of pure fat.  

Weight Training Intensity
Intensity in weight training refers primarily to the demand you place on your muscles – that is, how much weight you can lift. Intensity is ever-changing. What felt heavy to you last week feel lighter this week because your muscles are responding to the demands placed on them and growing stronger as a result.

Progressive Overload
“Progresive overload” is a key factor in weight training intensity. For your muscles to respond – that is, get stronger and better developed – you have to “overload” them. That means continually putting more demand on them than they’reused to – in other words, increasing your weight training intensity.

Muscles adapt to greater and greater demands. For example, all you can lift on the arm curl right now is 18 kg. But a few workouts later that same 18 kg feels light. Your muscles have adapted to 18kg. You are now ready to challenge your arm muscles with  21kg. Once the muscles have adapted to that demand, you can bump the weight again. 

You should gradually increase your weight as your muscles get used to certain level of weight. The trick is to keep pushing yourself each workout and gradually crank up the difficulty level. Overloading the muscles in this manner activates muscle fibers so that they get stronger, more toned, and better developed. This all adds up to more fat-burning power.

Another factor that plays a part in weight training intensity is the number of repetitions you do on a given exercise. Sometimes, it’s difficult to increase the weight. Until you can, it’s best to increase the number of times (repetitions) you lift that weight.

Turn Intensity Into Results
When you put into practice the concepts of intensity discussed here, you will begin to see changes in the way you look and feel, at rest and during exercise in just a few weeks.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Special Petai

Petai contains three natural sugars -sucrose, fructose and glucose. Combined with fiber, petai gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proved that just two servings of petai provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. But energy isn't the only way petai can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet. 

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND among people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating petai. This is because petai contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier. 

PMS (premenstrual syndrome) 
Forget the pills - eat petai. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood. 

High in iron, petai can stimulate the production of haemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anaemia. 

Blood Pressure 
This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the petai industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke. 

Brain Power  
200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating petai at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert. 

High in fiber, including petai in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives. 

One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a petai milkshake, sweetened with honey. The petai calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system. 

Petai has a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating petai for soothing relief. 

Morning Sickness
Snacking on petai between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness. 

Mosquito bites 
Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of the petai skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.. 

Petai is high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system. 

Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady. 


Petai is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Temperature control 
Many other cultures see petai as a "cooling" fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Holland , for example, pregnant women eat petai to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) 
Petai can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer, tryptophan. 


Petai can also help people trying to give up smoking.. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal. 

B R Stress 
Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium petai snack. 

According to research in "The New England Journal of Medicine" eating petai as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%". 

Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of petai and place it on the wart.. Carefully hold the petai in place with a plaster or surgical tape! 

So, as you can see, petai really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrates, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, "A Petai a day keeps the doctor away."

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bermusafir di Lebuhraya Ramadan

DI SEPANJANG lebuhraya Ramadan istimewa yang kita tempuh hanya sebulan dalam setahun ini terdapat pelbagai ganjaran yang disediakan oleh Maha Pencipta untuk hamba-hamba-Nya yang mahu melaksana dan memperkemas amalan-amalan wajib dan sunat yang diperintahkan-Nya. 

Untuk menyusuri lebuhraya penuh rahmat ini memerlukan kekuatan rohani. Salafussoleh zaman silam membuat persediaan menanti kedatangan Ramadan bermula daripada bulan Rejab lagi. Membanyakkan amalan yang mengundang kasih sayang Allah seperti berpuasa sunat, bersedekah, membaca Quran, berzikir, berselawat, berdoa berdakwah sekadar termampu dengan insan di sekeliling.

Sedapat mungkin kita menjauhi semua perkara yang boleh membangkitkan kemurkaan-Nya. Contoh, berpuasa dengan niat hendak makan sedap-sedap ketika berbuka, atau berpuasa tetapi “liat” solat Asar atas alasan letih. Puasa memang dituntut tetapi pahala puasa tidak cukup untuk menebus dosa meninggalkan solat.

Seorang pekerja yang sedang berusaha menarik perhatian dan penilaian yang baik daripada bosnya akan bekerja betul-betul. Dia sangat berhati-hati supaya tidak melakukan kesalahan yang mungkin boleh menjejaskan potensinya untuk mendapat penilaian yang tinggi. Jika bos marah, gajinya tidak akan dinaikkan dan dia gagal mendapatkan sebarang insentif. Atau lebih malang, tindakan disiplin pula yang akan diterimanya.

Begitu juga dengan amal ibadah. Dosa dan kemungkaran boleh menyebabkan amalan yang dikerjakan menjadi sia-sia. Sabda Rasulullah saw, mafhumnya:
Ramai daripada mereka yang berpuasa tidak memperolehi apa-apa melainkan lapar; dan ramai daripada mereka yang berdiri malam (beribadah malam) namun tidak mendapat apa-apa kecuali letih semata-mata. Riwayat Ibnu Majah dan an-Nasa’i daripada Abu Hurairah r.a.

Dalam sebuah hadis qudsi, Allah menyatakan:
Dan sesiapa yang anggota-anggotanya tidak berpuasa daripada perkara-perkara yang Aku haramkan, maka tidaklah Aku berhajat agar dia meninggalkan makan dan minumnya demi kerana-Ku. Riwayat Abu Nuaim daripada Ibnu Mas’ud r.a.

Persediaan fizikal, harta dan persekitaran juga diperlukan pada bulan mulia ini. Tubuh yang sihat mudah merebut pelbagai kelebihan yang disediakan. Harta pula boleh disedekahkan sebanyak mungkin bagi meraih pahala. Persekitaran yang baik mampu memaksimumkan pencapaian kita. Elakkan diri daripada kelompok orang yang mengabaikan kebesaran Allah dan kemuliaan Ramadan.

Bermula Ramadan ini mari kita tingkatkan azam dalam beribadah. Kita bukan sekadar mahu menjadi muslim semata-mata. KITA MAHU JADI MUKMIN!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jangan Ditipu dan Tertipu

Sekarang ini terlalu banyak penipuan yang berlaku. Penipu datang menemui mangsa dalam  berbagai rupa dan cara. Ada yang berbentuk urusan perniagaan, peluang pekerjaan, hadiah mewah, skim cepat kaya dan sebagainya. Penipu yang bermulut manis berkeliaran di merata tempat dan bijak mengambil kesempatan. Mangsa mereka datang daripada berbagai latar belakang, kaum, jantina, usia, taraf pendidikan dan kedudukan ekonomi.

Contohnya, lepasan universiti yang ingin bekerja sebagai eksekutif pemasaran “syarikat pelaburan,” diminta menyerahkan sejumlah wang sebagai syarat pengambilan. Belum pun menerima gaji pertama mereka dan anggota keluarga masing-masing dipaksa melabur dalam skim-skim yang ditawarkan. Setelah memperolehi wang yang banyak, syarikat itu lesap dari premis tempat ia beroperasi, meninggalkan mangsa yang kerugian akibat simpanan sifar, malah ada juga yang menanggung hutang.  

Ada syarikat menawarkan kadar pulangan tinggi untuk pelaburan yang kecil. Umumnya, wang daripada orang baru disalurkan kepada orang lama sebagai “pulangan”. Disebabkan tiada pulangan sebenar yang dijana, akhirnya syarikat tersebut tidak cukup wang untuk dibayar kepada “pelabur,” lantas pengendali syarikat lesap entah ke mana.   

Juga tergolong dalam penipuan jenis ini ialah Bayaran Pendahuluan Nigeria. Penipu menghantar emel dan mendakwa kononnya mereka bekerja dengan Bank Pusat Nigeria atau kerajaan Nigeria dan menjanjikan sejumlah wang yang besar sebagai pulangan ke atas “pelaburan” yang  diberi. Yang menjadi mangsa bukan calang-calang orang. Ada peguam, doktor, pensyarah malah ahli perniagaan dan pegawai polis.

Dalam kes lain, penipu menghantar SMS atas nama Astro, Petronas, Shell Malaysia dan Power Root, kononnya mangsa telah memenangi hadiah wang tunai. Penipu mengajar mangsa cara mendaftar dan mengaktifkan akaun dalam talian [untuk menerima hadiah] menerusi mesin ATM. Mangsa tidak sedar dia telah menyerahkan maklumat sulitnya kepada penipu.

Kalau panggilan itu benar-benar daripada bank, sepatutnya semua maklumat itu sudah ada pada mereka. Tidak perlu meminta butiran tersebut. Jika hendak menyerahkan wang hadiah, mereka boleh menghantar cek, atau meminta mangsa datang mengambilnya sendiri.

Mangsa sepatutnya tahu bahawa peserta peraduan yang sah perlu mengisi borang penyertaan dan menulis slogan kreatif. Penganjur peraduan tidak akan meminta nombor akaun, nombor PIN atau wang untuk menuntut hadiah. Begitulah jadinya bila dikuasai perasaan tamak. Gara-gara tidak berfikir, sendiri yang terpedaya.

Ada juga mangsa menerima SMS meminta mereka menghadiri taklimat perniagaan. Jurujual syarikat memujuk mereka melabur dalam berbagai bentuk mesin dan barangan seperti kiosk e-POS (mesin yang membolehkan orang ramai menjelaskan bil-bil), mesin pengeluar air minuman, minyak wangi dan sebagainya. Mereka dijanjikan pulangan tinggi dalam sebulan. Namun, pulangan tidak diterima dan mangsa berputih mata.

Penipu “Unit Kad Kredit Palsu” pula menelefon atau menghantar SMS bertanyakan sama ada mangsa baru membuat pembelian menggunakan kad kredit. Penipu memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai ejen bank dan meminta mangsa mengesahkan urusniaga kad kredit itu. Bila mangsa  menafikan urusniaga tersebut, ejen mengesyorkan mangsa membuat laporan kepada “Unit Kad Kredit Palsu” Bank Negara, atau “Jabatan Urusan Kad Kredit” bank komersial dan memberikan satu nombor untuk dihubungi. Kononnya hendak menolong mangsa membuat aduan,  “pegawai Bank Negara” itu meminta maklumat perbankan dan akaun kad kredit mangsa. Penipu kemudian membuat pengeluaran tidak sah daripada akaun tersebut.

Dalam peraduan “Gores dan Menang”, penipu menggalakkan mangsa menggores beberapa tiket. Mereka menjerit “kegembiraan” mengatakan mangsa telah memenangi hadiah besar lalu membawa mangsa ke pejabat mereka. Di sana, mangsa diberitahu dia boleh memenangi hadiah  lebih besar dan hebat jika bersedia membayar “deposit.” Bila mangsa mula curiga dan hendak menarik diri, mereka diugut. Akhirnya “hadiah besar” itu tidak lebih daripada beberapa barangan eletrik murah atau barangan tiruan.

Berhati-hati sebelum terkena

  • Berhati-hati dengan penipuan pelaburan di internet, contohnya Swiss Cash.  
  • Jangan tergesa-gesa dalam urusniaga. Selidik latar belakang syarikat, senarai lembaga pengarah dan jenis perniagaannya, juga bagaimana ia boleh memberi pulangan lebih tinggi daripada bank dan saham amanah.
  • Pastikan syarikat itu berlesen untuk memudahkan tuntutan sekiranya berlaku sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan. 
  • Jangan percaya gambar-gambar “kejayaan” yang dipaparkan. Juga jangan kagum dengan pejabat berteknologi tinggi serta kakitangan yang ramai. Itu hanya lakonan. Bila terhidu sesuatu yang negatif, mereka cepat menghilang dan muncul kemudian dengan wajah lain dan pekerja baru. Orang ramai malah pihak berkuasa tidak mengetahui siapa dalangnya. 
  • Pastikan pelaburan anda sah dan selamat. Dapatkan nasihat dahulu sebelum melabur.
  • Laporkan SMS mencurigakan kepada pihak berkuasa. Jangan telefon mereka semula sebab dengan cara itu anda mengesahkan nombor telefon anda pada mereka. 
  • Berhati-hati dengan kenyataan palsu yang biasanya dihantar melalui emel. Menggunakan nama-nama bank utama seperti Maybank, CIMB, Public Bank dan sebagainya, emel itu mengarahkan pelanggan bank mengemaskini maklumat akaun atau mengesahkan butiran akaun, kononnya untuk tujuan keselamatan, di sebuah pautan lain yang menyerupai laman web sah bank-bank berkenaan.
Penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang lemah membolehkan penipuan berleluasa, dan kelembapan pihak berkuasa bertindak menyebabkan penipu mengambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan ini. Di Malaysia, mangsa hanya boleh bertindak ke atas syarikat. Jika syarikat lingkup, pengarah mudah berlindung diri dan tidak bertanggungjawab ke atas segala yang dilakukan oleh syarikat, kecuali kesalahan jenayah.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Be Considerate and Thoughtful

It is fatally easy to take people for granted. This applies specially to those close to us. For example, we can forget to notice what they do for us, or not bother to be courteous by saying and doing things we would not dream of saying and doing to outsiders. Lack of appreciation is very hurtful. It is also something we can regret in later years.

Show people, inside and outside your home, that you notice what they do and appreciate it. Be courteous, like not forgetting to say “please” and “thank you”. Show your affection. Don’t hide it as though you are ashamed of it or think that it should be rationed.

Remember birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions, and be as generous as you can afford to be. Visit them when they are sick, give them all the support that they need. 

Like flowers, love, affection, and friendship have to be nourished by giving as well as taking. Otherwise they wither away.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pelaburan Berbentuk Piramid

Pada masa ini segala macam bentuk pelaburan wujud di pasaran. Ada yang sah dan ada yang tidak. Yang tidak sah itu memang sah diwujudkan untuk menipu orang ramai. Sifat tamak sangat mudah diperguna dan diperkuda oleh pengusaha pelaburan yang juga tamak.

Terdapat satu pelaburan berbentuk piramid di mana modal yang diperlukan cuma RM30. Caranya ialah bakal pelabur membeli wang pos RM5 sebanyak enam keping. Setiap satu ditulis dengan nama si penerima di barisan atas bakal pelabur itu. Setelah nama bakal pelabur tersenarai, dia dikehendaki mencari ahli-ahli baru dan giliran dia pula yang menerima “sumbangan” RM5 daripada ahli di bawah. Dalam masa sebulan, berbelas-belas keping wang pos akan diterima dan berjumlah beratus-ratus ringgit.

Menurut Ustaz Zaharuddin Abd Rahman, seorang pensyarah di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa dan juga Penasihat Syariah di C&S Consulting & Investment Ltd., OSK Investment (Islamic) Bank Bhd. dan Standard Chartered (Sadiq) Bank (M) Bhd, pelaburan tersebut tidak halal di sisi Islam. Ia juga bukan pelaburan.

Rukun pelaburan Islam di bawah konsep mudarabah dan musyarakah adalah:
  • wang pelaburan dalam jumlah tepat dan diketahui
  • pelabur
  • pengusaha
  • bisnes yang halal
Antara syarat sahnya pula:
  • nisbah pembahagian untung yang dipersetujui bersama
  • tiada jaminan modal selmat
  • tiada jaminan untung tertentu atau tidak tertentu
Salah satu rukun dalam pelaburan Islam atas asas mudarabah dan musyarakah ialah mesti ada suatu perniagaan yang halal serta terdedah kepada untung dan rugi.

Dalam kes ini, duit peserta dalam bentuk wang pos diguna untuk melabur dalam perniagaan. Cuba lontarkan soalan-soalan berikut: Di manakah perniagaannya seperti yang disyaratkan? Apa produk dan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan? Mana pula “profit sharing ratio”nya? Maka jelas sekali ia tidak menepati rukun pelaburan dalam Islam kerana “duit peserta terkumpul” itu dianggap sebagai sumber mendapatkan untung.

Menjual pusingan ahli yang menyertai dan sistem piramid tidak diterima oleh Islam walaupun cuba berselindung di sebalik nama ta’awun (kerjasama), sedekah, tolong menolong dan sebagainya. 

Proses ini juga mempunyai elemen riba, kerana setiap pihak yang “menderma” memasuki sistem dengan niat, harapan serta janji oleh pengurusan bahawa mereka mendapat derma berbentuk wang dengan nilai lebih banyak daripada yang diberi.

Di dalam fiqah Islam, seseorang yang menderma tidak boleh mensyaratkan kepada penerima atau mana-mana pengurus sistem untuk mengembalikan sejumlah wang semula kepadanya, khususnya dalam jumlah yang lebih besar. Jika ini berlaku, sifat hadiah tadi akan berubah daripada hadiah biasa kepada “hadiah bersyarat pulangan” (hibah bisyarti ‘iwad) dan keadaan ini akan mengubah sifat kontrak asal derma (tabarru’at) kepada sifat jual beli (mu’awadah maliah).

Apabila ia telah berubah menjadi sifat jual beli, Islam mengharamkan pertukaran wang dengan wang yang berbeza nilainya dan bertangguh pula. Sifat jual beli mewajibkan  semua rukun dan syaratnya ditepati dan jelas seperti subject matter, tempoh, nilai, pihak yang berurusniaga dan lain-lain.

Dalam program derma wang pos ini, kebanyakannya tidak diketahui, seperti bila tempoh dapat semula wang, berapa nilainya, siapa pihak di sebelah sana yang sedang berurusan dengannya dan banyak lagi.

Dari sudut rukun jual beli, ia juga mempunyai elemen judi kerana peserta tidak pasti sama ada wang yang telah diderma mampu membawa pulangan wang yang lebih banyak atau tidak kemudian hari, namun harapannya sentiasa berkobar untuk mendapat “derma” yang lebih banyak. Tatkala itu, definisi judi, spekulasi dan gharar, ketiga-tiganya wujud dalam permainan ini.

Semasa Ibn Abbas r.a. menghuraikan ayat 29 surah al-Nisa’ yang bererti,” Wahai orang  beriman, janganlah kamu saling memakan harta sesamamu dengan jalan yang batil, kecuali dengan jalan perniagaan yang berlaku suka sama suka di antara kamu. Dan janganlah kamu membunuh dirimu, sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Penyayang kepadamu,” beliau mentafsirkan erti makan harta secara batil, palsu dan tidak sah adalah mengambil harta tanpa sebarang balasan kerja yang setimpal.” (Rujuk Tafsir al-Tabari, al Razi).

Selain itu, terdapat juga athar yang disandarkan kepada Ibn Abbas yang berkata: Riba adalah setiap hadiah yang mensyaratkan pulangan lebih besar daripada pemberian.” (Al-Jami’ fi Usul al-Riba).

Program derma wang pos ini jelas mengambil harta orang lain tanpa kerja yang setimpal. Ciri-cirinya amat sama dengan ciri-ciri riba iaitu wang dipaksa melahirkan wang lain tanpa sebarang perantara aset dan kerja yang menambah nilai kepada ekonomi setempat.

Ringkasnya, sistem derma wang pos atau apa juga nama yang diberikan adalah sama seperti sistem piramid yang mengambil keuntungan di atas bilangan orang yang masuk ke dalam sistem. Pelaburan ini diharamkan atas sebab terdapat unsur syubhah riba, elemen judi, gharar dan juga juga makan harta secara batil.          

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Best Aerobics Bet

There are many exercise choices when it comes to aerobics. When selecting an aerobic exercise, make sure it’s something you enjoy and are willing to stick with. Whatever you choose, it should be challenging enough to produce plenty of fitness benefits, like fat-burning and cardiovascular improvements. And, you must commit to gradually increasing the intensity of your aerobic effort.

Walking improves aerobic fitness, burns fat, helps prevent osteoporosis, and cuts the risk of developing coronary heart disease. In fact, research shows that walking 10 kilometers  a week throughout your life significantly reduces your chances of developing heart disease. What’s more, walking is safe, convenient, and easy to do.

To maximize the benefits, a walking program must be intense. There are a number ways to boost the intensity of walking.
·        Speed. If you walk fast pace averaging 5 kph, you burn about the same number of calories as jogging. But unless you’re conditioned race walker (an athlete trained in a special mode of fast walking), that speed can be uncomfortable. A more manageable pace is around 3.5 to 4 kph. A 4 kph pace is generally fast enough to elevate your heart rate and keep blood circulating vigorously through your body. 
·        Distance. Researchers have looked into the energy costs of walking versus running, and found that to burn the same number of calories as running, you need to walk farther.

According to one study, walking expends about 1.15 calories per kg of bodyweight per kilometer, while running burns 1.7 calories per  kg bodyweight a kilometer. For example, if you weigh 70kg, you’ll lose roughly 80 calories in walking a kilometer (70 x 1.15) and 120 calories in running the same distance (70 x 1.7).

  • Frequency – another way to increase your intensity, that is the number of times you walk each week.

Guidelines For Walking
  • In hot weather, wear comfortable clothing that fits loosely and allows for good air flow to your skin. In cold weather, dress in layers.
  • Wear well-fitted running shoes to cushion the impact of walking.
  • Warm up with slow walking for three to five minutes.
  • Walk in safe well-lit area where there is a smooth surface. Tracks – indoor or outdoor – are ideal. So are indoor malls.
  • Stand erect, with good posture as you walk.
  • When walking, take normal strides but pump your arms in a swinging motion. This pumping action increase the aerobic benefits of walking.
  • Your heel should strike the ground first, then roll onto the ball of your foot.
  • About 10 minutes into your walk, check your pulse.
  • Walk at a brisk pace, so that you are breathing hard but can still carry on a conversation.
  • Try to increase your distance each week. A good rule of thumb, especially for novices, is to start the first week with 20-minute walks. Increase that time by 5 minutes a week until you reach 45 minutes or more.
  • Gradually try to pick up your pace so that you are covering the same distances in less time. For example, shoot for walking 3 kilometers in 45 minutes (that’s about 4 kph), or increase your distance to 4 kilometers, covered in 70 minutes or less (3.5 kph).    
  • Keep records of your progress. An easy way to keep track of your performance, is by timing your morning walk using an athletic watch. After the walk, record that time on a whiteboard. Also write down  your best time. Your goal is to beat that time.
  • Take your pulse again at the end of your walk. Your goal is to exercise within your target zone and gradually build your intensity to the higher ranges of that zone. Re-check your pulse after cooling down with slow walking for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • If you get winded, feel tired, or your pulse rate races, slow down.

Jogging and Running
Both are excellent ways to burn fat and achieve cardiovascular fitness, if done consistently. One way to ease into running is with a walk-jog program, a type of workout known as “interval training,” in which you intersperse short segments of jogging or running into your walking program. Interval training has some real benefits when it comes to fat-burning and overall fitness.

After a while, you may be ready too graduate to a full-fledged jogging or running program. The difference between the two has to do with speed. Running is typically any movement over 6 kph. Intensity in jogging or running can be increased by picking up your pace, going a greater distance, and increasing the frequency of your runs.

Guidelines For Jogging and Running
·        Wear comfortable but slightly loose-fitting clothing. Your clothing should not restrict your movement.
·        Wear running shoes that are flexible, well-cushioned, and supportive.
·        For safety’s sake, never run at night, and always carry some identification. Tell people where you’re going.
·        Run on smooth surfaces that minimize impact to the body. Indoor tracks with specially cushioned surfaces, cushioned outdoor tracks, and grassy surfaces are your best bets.
·        Run in an erect (but not stiff) position with your head up.
·        Hold your arms at your sides with elbows bent. Let you elbows swing freely; this helps push your body forward. Stay relaxed, without tensing your limbs.
·        Keep your steps fairly short.
·        Hit the ground with your heel first, rocking you foot forward and then pushing off the ball of your foot.
·        As you jog or run, simply breathe normally.
·        Increase your intensity by picking up your pace or increasing your distance. A word caution: Running more than thirty kilometers a week has been associated with increased risk of injury.
·        Check your heart rate during and after your workout.
·        If you get winded, feel tired, or your pulse rate races, slow down.

In addition to giving you a great aerobic workout, treadmills work the thighs, calves, and buttocks. Set the challenge by adjusting the speed of the moving belt, the elevation of its grade, or both. Digital displays tell you how many calories you have burned and distance walked.

Researchers could find no differences in aerobic requirements between jogging and running and treadmill running. In other words: You can get just as much out of treadmill running as you can on the open road or track.

Guidelines for using a Treadmill
  • Before starting, step on the sides of the machine, not the belt. Once it begins moving, step on the belt carefully.
  • For wsafety and balance, always hold the handrail.
  • Walk, jog, or run at a pace that keeps up with the speed of the belt.
  • The more conditioned you become, the faster you can go higher-intensity programs or graded inclines. A word of caution: Walking or jogging on any type of inclined surface has been associated with increased incidence of shin splints, which are microscopic fractures of the shin bone.
  • To dismount, step on the sides of the machine again and then stop the machine by pushing the appropriate button.
Stairclimbing Machines
This machine involve less impact than running and are greatly respected for a challenging workout.
On most machines, you place your feet on moveable steps, then start stepping up and down. Some models resemble an escalator. You can vary your effort by selecting various intensity levels programmed into the machine.

Guidelines for using a Stairclimber
  • Be sure to use the warm-up and cool-down features on the machine.
  • Use the handrails for balance only. Letting the weight of your upper body rest on handrails subtracts a lot of fat-burning power from your workout. Slow your pace if you find yourself depending too much on the rails.
  • Place as much of your feet as possible on the steps.
  • Become familiar with the intensity options offered by these machines. Then set up and pursue a program to gradually increase your intensity.
Bicycling makes your heart stronger and more efficient, burns fat, and strengthens your thighs, calves, and buttocks. Plus, it’s gentler on your joints. When you bike around 20 kilometers an hour or more on a straight course, you start burning the same amount of calories as you would running. A drawback of bicycling is the skill level required. You need good balance; finesse in negotiating things in the road, like traffic, holes, and obstruction; and an ability to work the bicycle’s gears and brakes properly to accommodate terrain and weather conditions. Even so, bicycling is a top-notch conditioner that can be a lot of fun.

Guidelines for Biking
·        Never take your eyes off the road. Learn to shift gears without looking at them, for example.
·        Learn to use all the components of the bike properly.
·        Learn to negotiate in traffic – or restrict your biking to less traveled roads.
·        Take your heart rate during and after your ride.
·        Don’t wear headphones.
·        Always wear a bicyle helmet.

Stationary Cycling
If you’re not enamored with outdoor biking, stationary cycling may be your style.  These let you select from a variety of programs, each geared to a different level of intensity. Stationary cycling is also an excellent thigh-toner.

Guidelines for Stationary Cycling
  • Adjust the seat height so that your knees are only slightly bent at the lowest point of the revolution.
  • Start with just 15 minutes several times a week. Gradually build up to 45 minutes or more.
  • Experiment with the various program levels on some bikes in order to adjust your intensity level upward.
  • Try to increase the frequency with which you perform  your stationary cycling workout.
  • To adequately elevate your heart rate, pedal faster than 60 revolutions a minute or adjust the bike for greater resistance.
Aerobic Dance
Aerobic dance is a great fat-burner, it gives an excellent cardiovascular workout, and it works lower body muscles.

The safest form of aerobic dance is the low-impact variety, in which at least one foot remains on the floor during the aerobic part of the session. Unlike regular aerobic dance, there are no jumps; instead, the exercise uses large upper body movements and relies on kicks, high steps, lunges, and other wide range-of-motion moves. These actions reduce stress on joints, making low-impact aerobics a safer alternative for most people than regular aerobic dance. In many low-impact aerobics classes, hand or ankle weights are added to the exercises to make them more demanding. Stepping up and down on small benches as part of the dance routine is popular, too – and intense.

Be sure to regularly monitor your heart rate while in class to make sure that you are exercising at an appropriate level of intensity. If not, you may want to “graduate” to a higher-intensity class.

Before joining an aerobics class, make sure that the instructors have been certified by a reputable organization and are trained in CPR.

A convenient alternative to attending aerobic dance classes is using exercise videos. They are handy if you don’t have a lot time to spend going from home to class and back again.

There are drawbacks, however. These include lack of instructor feedback on form and technique, potential injury from working out alone, and lack of the camaraderie you get from an exercise class.

The Cool-Down
For about five minutes following any aerobic exercise, slow your pace by restful walking, light jogging, slow biking, or other mild aerobic activity.

The purpose of the cool-down is to gradually return your heart rate to normal. The best way to do this is by light activity. When you are still in motion, blood lactic acid levels tend to decrease more rapidly, too, accelerating recovery.